Friday, 19 March 2010

(Almost) The easiest 50m I ever made

So, out roaming through Amarr lowsec, I reach the end of a chain of systems. Noticing two others in local I bring out my scanner and have to contain my excitement as I see a pirate's wet dream: a hulk and an orca!

Quickly, I narrow them down to one of two belts and jump to one.

Of course, that's the wrong belt.

So I jump to the other one, praying that I'll catch them. Which seems to pay off, as they're still aligning. Reckoning I've got more chance of taking down the hulk before any backup arrives, I quickly put my point on the hulk (the orca sadly escapes :().

Hulk doesn't even deploy drones, he ejects and makes it away in his pod. So, I've got this hulk, in the top belt of a low sec system and I flip the pilot into my ransom channel. Fifty million is agreed, probably low for a hulk but its more then I'd get from loot and I've got no support nearby, but he appears to be confused: "which belt was it?" he asks me.

Then, two more signatures appear on local and on scan. Two experienced pilots. One in a arbitrator, the other in a hurricane (possibly my least favourite ship to fight against). Alarm bells start ringing, so I pop the hulk.

Just as my wallet flashes indicating the transfer of the ransom. Had to have a bit of prodding from corp CEO Giennah, but the full amount was returned. Then had a hilarious 60 seconds of out running the 'cane before I could escape out of the system.

Might return there later, see if I can catch that orca. :D

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